The purpose of this contract is to produce fresh water for Sarmad Abarkoh iron and steel factory in Yazd province (Abarkoh city), including design and engineering, product procurement and material supply, construction, testing at the manufacturing plant, transportation to the workshop, installation, testing, Pre-commissioning, start-up, post-commissioning services, temporary delivery and definitive delivery, operation, and training of the employer’s employees, with a minimum water production capacity of 5000 cubic meters per day.
The geographical location of the rolling mill area is located 15 km from Abarkoh city and at an altitude of 1490 meters above sea level.
The duration of the work is nine months (9 months), which includes the duration of design, preparation and construction, equipping and dismantling of the workshop. The duration of operation after the temporary delivery and fixing the defects was three months (3 months). The operation guarantee period is 18 months after delivery or one year after commissioning.
Mechanical Completion
Commissioning & Performance Test
Temporary delivery
The period of responsibility for fixing defects
Definite delivery
General Technical Specifications of Building Works: Publication No. 55
Concrete Code of Iran: Publication No. 120
General characteristics of road construction works: Publication No. 101
General technical specifications of electrical works: publication number 110
General technical specifications of hot and cold water piping and building sewage: Publication No. 27
General technical specifications of building mechanical facilities: publication number 128
Conditions and criteria for the design and calculation of underground water reservoirs, publication: 123 and 124
Manpower in the water treatment plant and health care and their health control: publication number 134
Drinking water quality standard: 1053 standard
Standard of biological characteristics and permissible limit of bacteriological contamination of drinking water: Standard 1011
ISO international standard organization
American Water Works Association AWWA
WHO World Health Organization
IEC International Electrotechnical Committee
German industrial standard DIN
JWWA blue works girl from Japan
VDE German Electrotechnical Commission
English Standard Institute BS
American National Institute of Standards ANSI
American Society for Testing Materials ASTM
IIW International Welding Society
National Association of American Welding AWS
NEMA National Association of Electrical Equipment Manufacturers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
IEEE Electrical and Electronic Engineering Institute
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
USEPA Environmental Protection Agency
ABSUN Energy Eng. Co. has started its activities in the fields of advising, designing, construction, installation, and setup of water and wastewater treatment systems with aim of increasing productivity of industries, society health growth, and environmental protection.
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